<DrDnar> If jacobly says to do something, you should do it because it's a good idea. If Mateo says to do something, you should do it to avoid being stabbed.
[Zeroko] IDA produced a Z80 file that reassembled identically to the input. (But I apparently never got all the ROM addresses marked, because the relocated version crashes sometimes.)
[Zeroko] Or else TI generates an address from some seemingly-unrelated constants, perhaps.
[nikkybot] It randomly generates an insult.
[Zeroko] Given resets are annoying, I would say that yes, it does.
[DrDnar] OK my house just got buzzed by a B-2, a B-1, a B-52, and about a dozen F-35s.
[DrDnar] I assumed none were armed with nukes but I wouldn't bet on it.
[notipa] DrDnar: sounds like TI is getting suspicious
[DrDnar] uh oh has anybody heard from brandonlw lately?
[Kosmic] We should develop the CT-20 Plus RE. It is a better version of the TI-84+CE. "CT" stands for CemeTech, "20" stands for 2020, the year we would develop it, "Plus" signifies that it can do addition, and "RE" stands for either Remade, or REEEEEEEEEEEE
[tr1wrk] Oh no, I didn't realise that John Conway passed away
wrk] Creater of Conway's Game of Life
wrk] Covid-19 complications
[Runer112] quarantine must've made it so he wasn't close enough to anybody else when the game of life ticked
[fghsgh] !karma zeda
[fghsgh] decbot?
[fghsgh] are you there?
[LogicalJoe] zeda has a score of 93.
[fghsgh] thanks honorary decbot
[fghsgh] lol, I play disjax, you play decbot
<notipa> !karma
[LogicalJoe] cvsoft (notipa) has a score of 563.
<notipa> good bot
[iPhoenix] LogicalJoe- I understand only being wanted for your decbot-emulating capabilities
[Fryedsoft] so whats the startup do?
<DrDnar> Supposedly there's stuff about algorithms that can generate 3D visualizations of real-world cities, but it might just be a front for Minecraft.
[Kryptonic] Where can I buy a tangent matte-matic rose curve light light green & dark bionic measure count on galaxy school bright golden lightning radical plum positively silver denim teal orange?