<Nomkid> I am so sapped of human interaction except with my parents
<KryptonicDragon> I avoid physical human interaction wherever possible
<KryptonicDragon> something about scales scares them
DrDnarL: So they can be forward-referenced.
DrDnarL: label.c includes widget.h, but label.h does not.
MateoC: baaadd
RunerBot: [eZ80] Disassembly | 3 bytes | cp a,d \ xor a,d \ .db $DD
<Nomkid> I still use IE, it supports everything.
<commandz> IE... Supports everything?
<iPhoenix> Nomkid: you are the reason I have a receding hairline in my teens
[Zeroko] CE OS 5.9: "In order to focus on student learning, we have replaced all functionality with a text editor. In countries where exams do not allow text editors, the OS simply displays a 'Waiting for end of test...' message."
[notipa] "To discourage cheating, 20% of results are incorrect"
<DrDnar> If jacobly says to do something, you should do it because it's a good idea. If Mateo says to do something, you should do it to avoid being stabbed.
[Zeroko] IDA produced a Z80 file that reassembled identically to the input. (But I apparently never got all the ROM addresses marked, because the relocated version crashes sometimes.)
[Zeroko] Or else TI generates an address from some seemingly-unrelated constants, perhaps.
[nikkybot] It randomly generates an insult.
[Zeroko] Given resets are annoying, I would say that yes, it does.
[DrDnar] OK my house just got buzzed by a B-2, a B-1, a B-52, and about a dozen F-35s.
[DrDnar] I assumed none were armed with nukes but I wouldn't bet on it.
[notipa] DrDnar: sounds like TI is getting suspicious
[DrDnar] uh oh has anybody heard from brandonlw lately?
[Kosmic] We should develop the CT-20 Plus RE. It is a better version of the TI-84+CE. "CT" stands for CemeTech, "20" stands for 2020, the year we would develop it, "Plus" signifies that it can do addition, and "RE" stands for either Remade, or REEEEEEEEEEEE